5 Quotes & Sayings By Iain Sinclair

Iain Sinclair is a writer, who writes on architecture, urbanism, politics, psychogeography and psychoanalysis. He was born in Edinburgh in 1951. His first book, the autobiographical London Orbital was published in 1980 to immediate critical acclaim. He has since written over thirty books, including the novels The Ugly Man (1999) and The Fascist Lover (2001), non-fiction works on literature and psychoanalysis, as well as several books of essays, including his most recent collection of poetry, The Descent of Alette (2008).

I mean that certain fictions, chiefly Conan Doyle, Stevenson, but many others also, laid out a template that was more powerful than any local documentary account - the presences that they created, or "figures" if you prefer it, like Rabbi Loew's Golem, became too much and too fast to be contained within the conventional limits of that fiction. They got out into the stream of time, the ether; they escaped into the labyrinth. They achieved an independent existence. The writers were mediums; they articulated, they gave a shape to some pattern of energy that was already present. They got in on the curve of time, so that by writing, by holding off the inhibiting reflex of the rational mind, they were able to propose a text that was prophetic. Iain Sinclair
Getting comprehensively lost in a car with a full tank of petrol at someone else's expense, you can't beat it. Iain Sinclair
The line of traffic advancing towards the rising sun looked like a procession of the returning dead. Every one of them, solitaries in clean shirts, smoking, checking mirrors to see if their reflections were still there, wore dark glasses. Iain Sinclair
The world changes, but I want that change to be necessary or respectful of what has happened before. Everything changes, and that's quite right. Iain Sinclair